Sunday, November 25, 2012

midterm&reading times

   As we get closer to the midterm, I think that we need to go over the things more towards the first quarter. The beginning of the first quarter especially. I feel like the things that we learned then aren't very clear in my memory any more. I feel that I'm just forgetting the things that we learned specifically. I think that going over the things from the first three or four weeks will really help me, then just refreshing on the later things learned.
   One main thing that I think we definitely need to go over is the summer reading. The summer reading is something that I don't remember too much, since it seems to be so long ago. Then, I also think that we should go over the short stories that we read, so that they are back fresh in our memories. I think that we will remember certain things about the short stories, but probably not enough to fully answer the questions that could be asked.

Reading Times:
Lord of the Flies- Ch. 1-5; 3 hours

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