Monday, August 27, 2012

Outside Reading Responce

  "The Five People you Meet in Heaven" is a really good book.  It is really suspenseful, and made me want to keep reading more. It is a book that I didn't want to put down. It has a main idea that everything happens for a reason. We feel that when people die they have no reason, but it shows us that there is a reason for death.  Eddie they main character, feels that he has a meaningless life, working at an amusement park. He died, trying to save a little girl.
   Eddie meets the first person, and doesn't know what to think. He is confused, but it leads up to a good story, once he starts meeting people, the book starts to get more interesting, and you just want to keep reading more.  This book was well written, and and fairly easy to read. There was only a few small parts of this book that I had a little bit of trouble reading. There is a lot of supporting details for each main event, which helps it be even easier to understand. Over all, i felt like it was a great book, and really easy to read.

     The Five People you Meet in Heaven, Mitch Albom
8/20- 10 min., 8/21 10min., 8/22- 10 min., 8/24- 35 min., 8/26- 95 min.
Total- 160 min., p. 1-150

In Defense of Cheerleading. A cheerleaders manifesto

    Cheerleaders usually don't get a lot of credit for what they do. Most people think that all we do is stand on the sidelines of football games or basketball games, but it's really a lot more than that. We have to work really hard to get what we want, and try our hardest to be the best there is. We workout really hard and have to push ourselves to be the best we can be. Some people think that it looks really easy, but it's usually because they have never tried it. Cheerleaders deserve a lot more credit than what we get, because we work just as hard or harder to get to be better and better every practice. Most cheerleaders are in the gym any where from 2-6 days a week, as long as we can be, working on more things than we can get better at.  We don't always have a coach in front of us telling us what we are doing wrong, sometimes we just have to know, and teach ourselves the right thing to do, so that we can get better, and be a better cheerleader.
     Most of my free time is spent in the gym trying to get better, and working on the things that I need to get better at. When people see cheerleaders at their school they usually think that's what every cheerleader is like, but it's usually not. Competitive cheerleaders usually work harder and longer than most school cheer teams. One of the hardest things is to work so hard to get the tumbling that I have, and the other skills like jumps and stunts, and people to tell me that cheer isn't even a sport. Cheer is as much of a sport as football is, and is even a more dangerous sport. There is usually a lot more injuries in cheer than there is in football, and when we are competing, and we get hurt we don't stop in the middle, we have to tough it out for the rest of the time, and do our best even being hurt. We also only get two and a half minutes to show how good we are, and how hard we worked to get where we are. More people need to try cheer, to realize that it truly is a sport, that involves lots of work and technique, and realize that cheer really is as much of a sport than any sport out there.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Reading responce

   In Defense of Food was a good book over all, but it was hard to read. I felt like when I read the book I couldn't read it for a long period of time. I had to read it in small sections, because I would start to catch myself thinking of other things. throughout the book there were a few confusing parts, and parts that were hard to read. This book was really written more for adults, so that they buy the food that is better for us to eat, and to stay away from the bad food.  While I was reading, I felt like I was reading a lot of the same thing over and over, because the book was very repetitive about us eating better foods, and more greens than what we are eating today.
      Also, a  lot of what it was trying to keep us away from the bad foods. They are trying to tell us it is the companies fault for us eating it, when it is our choice of what we eat, not theirs.  The companies are making it so that they make money, but we have a choice of what we buy to eat, so we can choose what we want to buy. Another thing is, is that this book was written more for our parents, or almost for another generation, especially, because our parents are usually the ones buying the food, and deciding a lot of what we eat. Then, most of the food that we buy is usually processed, and it's sometimes hard to stay away from that. Over all I felt like it did teach me a lot though, about healthier eating habits.

English goals and expectations

   I have many goals and expectations in English this year. One goal I would like to accomplish would be to make the best grades that I possibly can, by using all of my other intentions that I have set myself for this year. I would also like to stay as organized as possible. It would be great if I could always stay on task during class,by always making sure that I am doing the right thing. I would also like spend at least thirty minutes or more a night working on my homework, studying, and doing anything else that I need to do. These   ambitions are simple ambitions, but they will help me do better in class, understand what I am learning better, and help me make better grades in English.
   My expectations would be that this class will have me working harder than what I am used to, so I need to maintain all of my work and studies. I expect myself to work hard and diligently in everything that I do. Also, I count on myself to study harder than usual, work harder, stay more organized, and do all of my homework, so that I can make the grades I want to make.  For class, I assume that I will learn many more things about grammar and literature. I also imagine that I will expand my reading capacity, by reading more books, and trying to understand them better.  Although I do have many expectations other than these, I feel that know these few things that it will help me later on, and will let me know what I need to do, to do as good as I can do.