Monday, August 27, 2012

Outside Reading Responce

  "The Five People you Meet in Heaven" is a really good book.  It is really suspenseful, and made me want to keep reading more. It is a book that I didn't want to put down. It has a main idea that everything happens for a reason. We feel that when people die they have no reason, but it shows us that there is a reason for death.  Eddie they main character, feels that he has a meaningless life, working at an amusement park. He died, trying to save a little girl.
   Eddie meets the first person, and doesn't know what to think. He is confused, but it leads up to a good story, once he starts meeting people, the book starts to get more interesting, and you just want to keep reading more.  This book was well written, and and fairly easy to read. There was only a few small parts of this book that I had a little bit of trouble reading. There is a lot of supporting details for each main event, which helps it be even easier to understand. Over all, i felt like it was a great book, and really easy to read.

     The Five People you Meet in Heaven, Mitch Albom
8/20- 10 min., 8/21 10min., 8/22- 10 min., 8/24- 35 min., 8/26- 95 min.
Total- 160 min., p. 1-150

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like a good book kitty! I seem to have trouble finding books now a days that I just can't put down. I guess that means I need to open my reading pallet more.
