Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Short Stories

  The three stories that I read were Araby, The Sniper, and The Endless Streetcar Ride into the Night, and the Tinfoil Noose. I feel that The Sniper, or Araby has the most importance out of the three, even though they all could have a lot of things to right about, and make an argument.  In The Sniper, I have noticed that Characterization and Setting are really important in the story. These are important because  the sniper was out at dark, on top of a roof top hiding and trying to kill the enemy. It explains how he was acting, and what he was doing on the roof. The setting was really big in the story because he was in the middle of war, on the roof late at night. Characterization was important, because I tells us that he was hungry, then made a bad decision about smoking, then he was really smart in the decision he made about escaping. It also shows how he was curious, because after he escaped and killed the enemy, he decided to go see who he killed.
  In Araby, I think that setting is also important to this story. It takes place on North Richmond Street, In an uninhabited house that had two stories. Then it turns into short winter days, with dusk falling early, before they would eat there dinner. The sky was violet, and cold air stung the the boys while they played outside. I think that setting is so important in this story because it shows where each thing is happening, and it changes throughout out the story, going from out side to in a quiet room, to the dinner table. Also, I think that you could argue that the father forgets about his son easily, just because he doesn't care that much.

Monday, October 15, 2012

reading times 10/15

10/9 Dry September- 30 min
10/10 Before I Fall- 35 min
10/10 And of Clay We Are Created- 25 min
10/11 Before I Fall- 45 min
10/12 Harrison Bergeron 20 min
Total- 155 min.

literary elements

   In To Built A Fire, I found literary elements like man vs. nature, which was pretty obvious.  This was obvious, because he is out in the cold snowy nature with only a dog, trying to get to his camp before he freezes and dies.  It is extremely cold outside, and it just gets colder and there is nothing he can really do. He tries to start a fire, and snow falls from a tree and puts the fire out. By the time he tries to start another fire after moving, his hands are too cold and he tries to use his mouth. He burns his hand with the fire, but can't feel it because of how cold his hands are.
  I also found man vs. self in this story. One of the examples in the last paragraph seems to fit with both themes, when he burns his hand on the match trying to light the fire. This fits with man vs. self also, because he just can't light the fire, but he is determined too. He want to light the fire, but nature is just working against him. His hand is freezing cold, yet he burns himself. That is also an example of irony.


  This quarter, I think I did pretty well. I usually had my stuff with me, but there was the occasional time where I had forgotten something, or other things. I tried to have the best attitude that I could, but I know there were days that I could have done better than what I did. When it was time for group discussions I payed attention, and usually took notes on somethings, but I didn't always talk. Sometimes there would be questions that I had that before I got a chance to raise my hand someone else would ask, or say, and I did't have anything else. I know I did participate some but I also know I could participate more.
  When working in groups, I say what I need to say, try to do the work that I need to, and give my share of the information. I tried to say on task as well as I could, and tried not to distract others. On individual work, I found my self kind of wondering away from the topic not wanting to do the work as much, because my work wasn't affecting anyone else, and I know this is something that I need to work on more. Also, I felt like I wanted to talk more during those times. During the second quarter I am going to work harder on making sure I have everything I need, being more focused, and trying harder in my work.

Monday, October 8, 2012


Before I Fall
9/25- 40 min., 9/26-30 min., 9/27-50 min
To Da-Duh
10/2-30 min
 Total- 150 min

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

I am a writer who..

  I am a writer who tries do to what I can to make everything clear and interesting.  When I write, I want readers to be interested in reading it and not just reading it, because they have too.  Writing is something that is pretty easy right now, and when I write I try to add the detail that needs to be. Also, I try to make a vivid story that will keep the readers into the story, and make them want to know what is going to be happening next. Using details and strong word choices and sentence structures help make the story that way.
  The writer that I am today, is because of my past. If I wouldn't have taken a creative writing class, then I probably wouldn't be where I am today. Creative writing changed the way that I wrote, and helped me get to where I am today. My teacher was the main reason, he kept me interested, and most likely without him I wouldn't be the writer I am. The class showed me to be more vivid and detailed, so that the readers will stay interested.