Monday, October 15, 2012

literary elements

   In To Built A Fire, I found literary elements like man vs. nature, which was pretty obvious.  This was obvious, because he is out in the cold snowy nature with only a dog, trying to get to his camp before he freezes and dies.  It is extremely cold outside, and it just gets colder and there is nothing he can really do. He tries to start a fire, and snow falls from a tree and puts the fire out. By the time he tries to start another fire after moving, his hands are too cold and he tries to use his mouth. He burns his hand with the fire, but can't feel it because of how cold his hands are.
  I also found man vs. self in this story. One of the examples in the last paragraph seems to fit with both themes, when he burns his hand on the match trying to light the fire. This fits with man vs. self also, because he just can't light the fire, but he is determined too. He want to light the fire, but nature is just working against him. His hand is freezing cold, yet he burns himself. That is also an example of irony.

1 comment:

  1. You are talking about conflict here, not theme. But this was something we talked about in class - what did you notice?
