Monday, September 24, 2012

Reading Responce

  As I get farther into the book, it gets better and better.  It is such a good book, and I am really enjoying it. Everything is picking up, and I hate putting the book down. I just get so into it. I would really recommend reading this book, because by far it is one of my favorites. It is more of a girly book, so I would recommend it to more girls who are looking for a good book. I am really glad that Gabrielle talked me into reading this book, because I love it.
  It is a little repetitive, but having her relive that day over and over again, was great. It is a fast read, if you want it to be, but as I said last time, I am taking my time so that I can understand everything better.  If you are going to read this book, which I recommend that you do, its up to you on how fast you want to read it, depending on how fast you want to be done. When I read this book, I don't even notice the things going on around me, I can only concentrate on the book. I really recommend reading this book

Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver
9/18- 50 min,. 9/20 50 min,. 9/22-30 min,. 9/23- 20 min
Total pages 1- 210

Free Post

 Well, I guess my free post should go to my free time. If I had any. Most of my time has been spent cheer, or being at the gym. If I'm not there, I'm probably sleeping or doing homework.  I usually go to the gym just about everyday of the week even if I don't need to go. I sit and do my homework or watch what ever is going on. When I get bored I try to work on the things I need to get, but it doesn't always happen. Some times though I get stuck on something on my homework, so I can usually get help from someone there. It's usually either a coach, or Gabrielle who can help with anything.
  Being there is a big stress reliever for me. I feel like I can just escape from everything else, until it's time for practice. I really enjoy being there, because it's a fun place, and I always have friends there. When I go there, it's like nothing else matters to me. If I need to get something done, I can get it done there. I can usually escape from most of the stress that I have, and being there calms me down.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Outside reading

  Reading Before I Fall, was probably one of the best choices I've made on reading a book. I am so glad that Gabrielle told me to read it. By far, it is one of my favorite books, even though I haven't even read that much of it. Every time I pick this book up, I get so into it, and don't want to stop.  I have been taking my time on reading this book, because I have been enjoying it so much. I like to read books like this slow, so that I make sure I understand everything, and so that I get all of the details.
  Gabrielle helps me with choosing new books all of the time. She has given me a lot of good books to read, but by far this is the best and my favorite of all the books she has given me to read. As I get more into the book, it gets better and better, and keeps me going back when I need something to do. It is an easy book to read, and can be a fast read for most people.  I am just really enjoying this book, and I don't want to be finished with it, but I can't wait to find out the ending results of the book.

Outside Reading- Before I Fall by: Lauren Oliver
9/11- 30 min,. 9/13- 30 min,. 9/25- 30min,. 9/16- 60 min
Total- 150 min p.65- 137

literacy narratives

  I am starting to write about the reason I like to write so much. It starts towards the end of one school year, how I hated to write. I think starting like that is a good way to show a flash back, nice of detail to the rest of the paper. It starts at the end of 6th grade, skipping through the summer between, starting of the next school year with problems. I used no not like to write, because I thought I had problems with it.
  After I start to have to face my problems more and more, and I start to get really nervous about it. Mainly, that is most one what I have. I am trying to make sure I have good, vivid details in what I am writing.  Making sure everything is clear and understandable to the reader. I still have a good bit left to write of it, but I feel that it is coming along. If any one has any suggestions of things that I need to make sure of, let me know.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Blog comments

  So far, I have been having pretty good comments. On a few of my blogs I don't have comments, but the ones that I do have are helpful.  Reading the comments that I have will help will the blogs that I will later write. The comments are helpful, and will help make me have better blogs. They will also help me be a better writer over all, know what I need to do to improve my writing.
 So far the comments are just about me being more descriptive, and thinking as a reader. By that I mean going back and making sure that what I have written is understandable, and is clear. Making sure that I don't leave main details out, to where readers have questions about my writing. Also, not only being more descriptive, but being more organized in my writing, so that it is easier for readers to understand.

Outside reading

  I have just started reading a new book, Before I Fall.  The beginning of the book is kind of slow, but it is so far a pretty good book. Before I Fall , is a book that I am glad about starting. It is very interesting, and is the kind of book that I like to read. As I continue to read, it gets better and easier to read. I want to keep reading it every time I pick it up.  So far, it is about a girl with great friends, and a good life. The main character is a popular girl who usually gets what ever she wants, but it will soon change.

For the other part of my time I read The Norton Field Guide of Writing.  The three things that I read were very well written, and easy to read, but it wasn't something that I enjoyed. Reading this was very tedious, and I couldn't wait to finish what I had to read. Once I was done, I was relieved, knowing that I finished that assignment, and could also use part of the time for a different. I took my time reading it, so that I understood it better. Each of the three things I read were different, but easily understood. In each thing, i learned something new and different, but I know it will help me with my writing.

Outside Reading Times
Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver-
9/5- 10 min., 9/6- 30 min. 9/9 30 min. total 70 min. pp. 1-65
The Norton Field Guide of Writing
9/8- 30min  9/9-50min total 80min. p.26-37, p.564-570, p.577-582

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Hurricane Isaac

   Here comes the wind, here comes the rain, here comes no power, no school, or no driving around town.  The hurricane is coming everyone prepare. Buy more water, more food, and a generator, stock up on anything we need, because before we know it Isaac will be here. Everything around us shuts down, oh no, there goes the power. The wind is blowing, the rain is pouring, no one is driving, no where to drive to.  Waters start to rise, the wind blows harder, before we know it places are flooded, people are stranded in the deep waters, no where to go. Help is on the way, Isaac go away.
   As the wind keeps blowing, and the rain keeps pouring, all I'm thinking is when will this be over. Nothing to do, no where to go. What should we do? Should we try to dive somewhere, jump on the trampoline, or even swim during this storm, decisions, decisions. I think the trampoline sounds fun, getting dressed in rain jackets and hair nets, we take our chances and go jump. The wind keeps blowing and the rain still coming we have as much fun as we can until the storm gets worse. We decide to go back inside, watching more and more rain fall out of the sky, what should we do now? Now, we shall eat!

Reading Responce

  Reading the last part of The Five People you meet in Heaven was pretty easy. This book just getting better and better, and I didn't want to put it down after a while. As I got about half way through the book I always wanted to read it, so that I could find out what happened at the end of the book. As Eddie meet each person, his knowledge would grow. It would teach him where he was, and why he was there, also it would show him what signification each person had in his life.   He soon realized this is where he was suppose to be, and that everything happens for a reason.

  Start the book Of Mice and Men, was a really good choice that I made.  It is about to men, George and Lennie, who were displace ranch workers. During the Great Depression, they are vagabonds, searching for work to do.  So far, what I have read from this  book is pretty good, and is an over all pretty easy book to read.  These two characters have to deal with trying to find new work during this Great Depression, having to travel to a new place.  They go through hard times, and once you start to read, you want to keep reading this, and find out more and more, until you finish the book. It may not seem like the most interesting book, but once I started to read it, it opened up and ends up to be a better book than I thought it would be.

The Five People You Meet in Heaven, Mitch Albom
9/2- 10 min., 9/4- 40 min.
Total 50 min., p. 150-194
Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck
9/4- 100 min.
Total 100 min., p. 1-87