Monday, March 11, 2013

ch. 8 Nervous Conditions

         Tambu's parents have been living in sin, not being married.  Babamukuru feels as if they need to be married as soon as possible to wash away their sins.  Tambu is getting nervous as the wedding is getting near.  She is not very happy with Babamukuru because she feels like he is making a fool of her parents not already being married. On the other side, she thinks that she is sinning by being mad at him so she has to distract herself.
        Tambu must stay back at the homestead for a little while to do work, and it is very tough for her to do so and she wants to be back at the mission. Soon, she is taken back to the mission where she will please Babamukuru but Nyasha will disappoint him. Tambu's mother comes out to the mission hospital to give birth to their new child. Lucia comes and has Babamukuru find her a job, which he does and everyone praises him. Babamakuru wants to move the wedding up to wash away their sins. 

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